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Skin care is the range of practices that support skin integrity ,enhance its appearance and relieve the skin conditions.
Your skin protect your body but that's not all. It's the face you present to the world. We all wanted that our skin looks amazing and healthy and even more better if it is crystal clear and we do a lot things to achieve that particular desire of crystal clear skin. but wait a minute the choices you make every day that is what you eat, where you go, how you feel-- all these things affect how your skin looks and these factor cause problem or issues to our skin. So here are some most common issues :-
- Mega Zits
- Dull Skin
- Super oily skin
- Sunburn
- Melasma
- ingrown hair
- Pimple
- post pimple dark spots
Now these are the most common issues faced by everyone. Basically you want to fight with these issue you have to be confident as everyone have their own personality and feel confident about your skin regardless of pimple issue---> that is how my skin is . Feel proud of your skin and then automatically you'll be clam and happy which also affects your skin but this time in a positive manner.
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Let me tell you only five changes in your daily routine which help you to get the healthy skin. Earlier i am also facing some of the above listed issue but then i have used a lot of things and what not . So after facing these kind of problems and also overcome these issue . Now i can tell you form my experience that,You don't need to follow any other regime just make small change in your daily routine. So lets see the 5 thing which you need to change or adopt:-
- Clean your face twice: It is something which is most important to clean your face with mild face wash of your choice and suited you the best according to your skin type. In my opinion one should use gel base facewash as they are gentle on your skin and do not harm your skin as forming facewashes do but if forming facewash is suiting you than use it only than there is no need to replace it. But the thing you need to understand is , you have to wash your face twice a day. This step you have to do in morning and at night time (when your skin repairs itself at night when sleeping)so, it become important to clean your face at night as it becomes germs free and repair easily.
- Apply ice cube on face: It sounds crazy but really it helps a lot to tone your skin and make your skin supple and smooth .If you are suffering from acne and pimple it is the most effective to suppress those bumps which we never wanted to come on our skin. But make sure that your are doing it right way, wrap the ice cube in cotton cloth and dab it on your clean face. Do this thing on regular basis and see the amazing results .
- Follow simple skin care routine: This is an important step as we all should follow Skin Care routine.And if you not aware of , what skin care is then it is all about CTM that Cleansing ,Toning and Moisturizing. this CTM is basic need of any skin. one should follow this routine according to their skin type. My main concern is many of us are following skin care and using expensive products but then also we suffer from pimple, acne,pigmentation dull skin etc. Now the main reason behind this you are using a lot of products on your skin and not intentionally but ending up hectic skin care routine which is not good for your skin. Too much of product means your layering up your skin with many products and in many case they are not absorb into the skin. This is the most common mistake made by us . So keep it as simple as that if you are using 3step skin care than just make sure products are according to your skin type and absorbing into the skin and we are ending up just layering up the products on skin.
- Drinking Water: Now this step is most common but most effecting way to keep your skin healthy as well as your whole health. The human body is 60% water and your blood is 90% water. drinking water benefits the whole body in millions of ways. From flushing out toxin to preventing acnes and giving you glowing skin, water is a miracle drink! Here are all the benefits of drinking water for your skin:
- Improve skin tone
- Prevents premature aging
- Faster healing
- Reduces puffiness
- Prevent acne
- No more itchy skin on the face
- Tighter skin
- Maintain your pH balance
- Promotes healthy gut, meaning clear skin
- Prevents heat-related skin eruptions
5.Workout and sleep : Now , last but not the least EXERCISE , by getting the heart rate up and improving blood circulation, can help to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin which keeps the
skin healthy, promote collagen production, and promote new skin cells which keeps the skin looking glowing and is also helpful for anti-aging. On the other hand, a good sleep also improve your skin quality as level of the stress hormone cortisol fall during sleep, which helps skin to repair
day time damage. The body makes more collagen, which minimize fine lines. More human growth
hormones is released, increasing muscle mass and strengthening skin.
“Beauty is all about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are darling.”
त्वचा की देखभाल प्रथाओं की सीमा है जो त्वचा की अखंडता का समर्थन करती है, इसकी उपस्थिति को बढ़ाती है और त्वचा की स्थिति को राहत देती है।आपकी त्वचा आपके शरीर की रक्षा करती है लेकिन यह सब नहीं है। यह वह चेहरा है जो आप दुनिया के सामने पेश करते हैं। हम सभी चाहते थे कि हमारी त्वचा अद्भुत और स्वस्थ दिखे और इससे भी बेहतर अगर यह क्रिस्टल स्पष्ट है और हम क्रिस्टल स्पष्ट त्वचा की उस विशेष इच्छा को प्राप्त करने के लिए बहुत कुछ करते हैं। लेकिन एक मिनट प्रतीक्षा करें जो आप हर दिन बनाते हैं जो आप खाते हैं, जहां आप जाते हैं, आप कैसा महसूस करते हैं - ये सभी चीजें प्रभावित करती हैं कि आपकी त्वचा कैसी दिखती है और ये कारक हमारी त्वचा के लिए समस्या या मुद्दे का कारण बनते हैं। तो यहाँ कुछ सबसे आम मुद्दे हैं: -
- Dull Skin
- Super oily skin
- Sunburn
- Melasma
- ingrown hair
- Pimple
- post pimple dark spots
अब ये सभी के सामने आने वाले सबसे आम मुद्दे हैं। मूल रूप से आप इन मुद्दों से लड़ना चाहते हैं, आपको आश्वस्त होना होगा क्योंकि हर किसी का अपना व्यक्तित्व होता है और आप अपनी त्वचा के बारे में आश्वस्त महसूस करते हैं, चाहे पिंपल समस्या ---> यह है कि मेरी त्वचा कैसी है। अपनी त्वचा पर गर्व महसूस करें और फिर स्वचालित रूप से आप क्लैम और खुश रहेंगे जो आपकी त्वचा को प्रभावित करता है लेकिन इस बार सकारात्मक तरीके से।
मैं आपको अपनी दिनचर्या में केवल पाँच बदलाव बताती हूँ जो आपको स्वस्थ त्वचा पाने में मदद करते हैं। पहले मैं भी उपरोक्त सूचीबद्ध मुद्दों में से कुछ का सामना कर रही हूं लेकिन फिर मैंने बहुत सी चीजों का उपयोग किया है और क्या नहीं। तो इस तरह की समस्याओं का सामना करने के बाद और इन मुद्दों को भी दूर करें। अब मैं आपको अपना अनुभव बता सकती हूं कि, आपको किसी भी अन्य नियम का पालन करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, बस अपनी दिनचर्या में छोटे बदलाव करें। तो चलिए देखते हैं वो 5 चीज़ें जिन्हें आपको बदलने या अपनाने की ज़रूरत है: -
- दिन मे दो बार मुँह धोना
- साफ़ चेहरे पे आइस क्यूब लगाये
- सिम्पल स्कीन केयर का पालन करे
- अच्छे से पानी पीना
- व्यायम और उचित नींद ले
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Very useful tip
ReplyDeleteधन्यवाद आपका इसको हिंदी में लिखने के लिए
ReplyDelete👌👌👌👌nice tips
ReplyDeleteI hv used these tips and it really works .. thank uu